Our mission
Last update: 2025-01-23 14:43:54
Oasis studies the interaction and fosters mutual understanding between Christians and Muslims within the global context, characterized by a growing hybridization of civilizations and cultures, with a special focus on Christian communities in the Middle East, on Muslim-majority societies in which they live and on Islam in its internal plurality.
Born in Venice in 2004 by the initiative of Cardinal Angelo Scola, Oasis International Foundation today has its headquarters in Milan. It carries out and promotes research projects, publishes a biannual journal in four editions (English, French, Italian, Arabic), manages a trilingual website (English, French and Italian), is present on social media, organizes conferences, events and trainings.
Its transdisciplinary approach, whose expression can be found in the diverse Scientific Board, is inspired by three methodological principles:
- Talking with Muslims more than on Muslims;
- Letting questions that are common to different societies arise;
- Accessing debates within the terms in which they are formulated, through the assumption of plurilingualism as an indispensable dimension of the dialogue between different cultures and religions.
Oasis conceives its work as a cultural expression of Christian faith and witness, serving the good life in a plural society.
Oasis would like to be the cultural expression of a network of relations arising within the communio catholica, which knows how to assume the work and responsibilities expected of Christian faithful today… Its catholic identity recognises ecumenism, the theology of religions, inter-religious dialogue and the opening up to all cultures as inalienable and intrinsic dimensions of its own nature.
Angelo Scola, “Oasis is born; a subject, an instrument,” Oasis 1, January 2005
Both Muslims and Christians prize their places of prayer, as oases where they meet the All Merciful God on the journey to eternal life, and where they meet their brothers and sisters in the bond of religion.
S. John Paul II, Speech at Omayyad Great Mosque, Damascus, May 6 2001
Alessandro Banfi, Communication Director - abanfi@fondazioneoasis.org
Martino Diez, Scientific Director - mdiez@fondazioneoasis.org
Michele Brignone, Editor in Chief of the Journal - mbrignone@fondazioneoasis.org
Chiara Pellegrino, Researcher - cpellegrino@fondazioneoasis.org
Claudio Fontana, Analyst and Program Manager - cfontana@fondazioneoasis.org
Irene Pozzi, Communication Project Manager - ipozzi@fondazioneoasis.org
Claudia Catanzaro, Communication - ccatanzaro@fondazioneoasis.org
Riccardo Paredi, Associate Research Fellow
Pier Paolo Raimondi, Associate Research Fellow
Mauro Primavera, Associate Research Fellow
Scientific Board
Tewfik Aclimandos
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi
Carl Anderson
José Andrés Gallego
Francesco Botturi
Rémi Brague
Paolo Branca
Michele Brignone
Christian Cannuyer
Maria Laura Conte
Salim Daccache
Martino Diez
Jean Duchesne
Jean-Paul Durand
Brian E. Ferme
Paolo Gomarasca
Henri Hude
Ramin Jahanbegloo
Samir Khalil Samir
Nikolaus Lobkowicz
Cesare Mirabelli
Tarek Mitri
Andrea Pacini
Jean-Jacques Pérennès
Andrea Pin
Javier Prades López
Hassan Rachik
Riccardo Redaelli
Gabriel Richi Alberti
Giovanna Rossi
Olivier Roy
Giovanni Salmeri
Giuseppe Scattolin
Ibrahim Shamseddine
Board of Promoters
H.Em. Card. Angelo Scola, Archbishop Emeritus of Milan
H.E. Msgr. Aldo Berardi, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia
H.E. Msgr. Jules Boutros, Curial Bishop of Antioch (Syrian)
H.Em. Card. Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Budapest
H.E. Msgr. Paul Hinder, Emeritus Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia
H.Em. Card. Cristóbal López Romero, Archbishop of Rabat
H.E. Msgr. Claudio Lurati, Apostolic Vicar of Alexandria of Egypt
H.E. Msgr. Paolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia
H.B. Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins
H.B. Card. Béchara Raï, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites
H.B. Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak, Patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts
H.E. Msgr. Boghos Levon Zekiyan, Archbishop of Istanbul of Armenians
Board of Directors
Dr. Giovanni Raimondi
Mons. Gabriel Richi Alberti - Mons. Luca Bressan - Dott. Guido Carpani - Avv. Salvatore Messina - Dott. Mario Mauro - Dott. Fiorenzo Tagliabue
Prof. Claudio Bianchi
Administrative and legal office:
Via Speronari 3
20123 - Milano - Italy
Telephone: +39 366 755 8298
email: oasis@fondazioneoasis.org