Mustafa Akyol and Cardinal Angelo Scola engage in conversation about the book The Islamic Jesus
Last update: 2022-04-22 09:58:08

Church and mosque in Istanbul [© ThomasDeco - Shutterstock]
Tuesday, February 26th at 6pm
Auditorium Centro Culturale di Milano
Largo Corsia dei Servi, 4
A prophet of Islam, Jesus preached a reform of religious law in a non-literalist sense at a time when Jews were going through a crisis similar to the one that Islam is experiencing today.
In The Islamic Jesus: How the King of the Jews Became a Prophet of the Muslims (St Martin's Press, New York, 2017), Turkish writer and journalist Mustafa Akyol contemplates the experience of the New Testament Jesus and what it can teach the Muslims of our time, in order to create another path that goes behind the dualism of extremism and secularism.
Cardinal Angelo Scola will discuss these issues with the author. Luigi Geninazzi moderates the debate.
The event, organized in collaboration with the Cultural Center of Milan, is open to the public and free. Headphones for real time translation to and from English will be provided. Register for the event here.
In order to prepare for the event, read our review of The Islamic Jesus and this article by Mustafa Akyol in Oasis n. 26.