Andrea Plebani is a Research Fellow at the Catholic University of Milan and at the Italian Institute for International Political Studies. He worked with the Insubria Center on International Security and the Landau Network-Centro Volta. His research focuses on radical Islamic movements and geopolitical dynamics in Iraq, the Levant and Maghreb. Among his publications: L’Iraq contemporaneo, 2013; Attractiveness of WMD for radical islamist movements, in Barry Rubin “Security and Stability in the Middle East, Routledge”, 2011; Geo-politica di al-Qaida nel Maghreb islamico, in Adriana Piga – Roberto Cajati “Niger: problematiche sociopolitiche, risorse energetiche e attori internazionali”, 2011.
The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published