Bernard Botiveau is Emeritus Director of Research at the CNRS, with the IREMAM at Aix-en-Provence. He has made a great number of research and teaching trips to the Middle East and in particular to Egypt and the Palestinian Territories. He has published Loi islamique et droit dans les sociétés arabes, Karthala-IREMAM, Paris 1993; Géopolitique des Islams (with Joselyne Césari), Economica, Paris 1997; D’une Intifada l’autre. La Palestine au quotidien (ed.), CEDEJ-Complexe, Le Caire-Bruxelles 2004. From 2008 until 2011 he has been member of the équipe Political Transitions and Social Ri-compositions in the Arab and Muslim World, and since 2012 he is member of the disciplinary center on Contemporary Social Sciences.
The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the last article was published