Information and insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West
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Michel Cuypers is a member of the Congregation of the Little Brothers of Jesus, and has been living since 1989 in Egypt where he is a research fellow at the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies. His specialization is the literary study of the Qur’an’s text, particularly aspects of its composition and its inter-textual relationships with the sacred literature preceding it. He is the author of La Composition du Coran. Nazm al-Qur’ân, Rhétorique sémitique (2012), Le Festin: une lecture de la Sourate Al-Mâ’ida (2007), Le Coran (together with Geneviève Gobillot, 2007) and Idées reçues sur le Coran: entre tradition islamique et lecture moderne (2014, with Geneviève Gobillot).