Information and insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West
We offer you quality insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West.
The mediatic controversy that surrounded the ban of Asmā’ ‘Uthmān al-Sharqāwī’s essay at the Cairo Book Fair raised delicate questions regarding women’s condition in Islam and freedom of expression in the contemporary Arab world.
In Egypt, two foundations have been created to promote two radically different interpretations of the renewal of the Islamic discourse. The ensuing controversy, which has also involved a bishop, allows for a reflection on the parallels between Islam and Christianity
Equality between men and women is back on the table in the North African country. Women’s associations call for an end to discrimination in inheritance and children’s legal guardianship. The king seems willing to accommodate these demands, but Islamists oppose them
A conversation with Mark C. Thompson, head of the Socioeconomics Program at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (Riyadh), on societal transformations in Saudi Arabia
Speech by Ibrahim Özdemir at the international conference “Changing Course. Migrants and Europe”
The response to Hamas’s attack has broken the security cordon that surrounded certain pages of the Old Testament. Judaism is also confronted with the question of religious violence
At their annual meeting in Turin, Italian Muslims and Catholics revisited the topic of freedom of religion. From a new perspective
The Position paper for the annual Italian Muslim-Catholic meeting prepared by the Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Italian Bishops’ Conference and shared with the main Italian Islamic associations
Pollsters failed to capture the nationalist deep wave that has swept over Turkey. Erdoğan is trying to outgrow the Turkish Republic from within, bit by bit. A conversation with Selim Koru on the first round of 2023 Turkish presidential elections
State identity and societal identity are diverging in Turkey: while religion is more and more used by politics in all areas, the younger generations have begun to distance themselves from Islam. A development that offers clues about the future of the country
Web Agency Milano Bluedog