In Tunisia and Egypt a process destined to go on for a long time, whatever path will be followed, including that of confusion, has just begun
Last update: 2022-04-22 09:24:46

The Revolutions in North Africa: a Challenge for Everyone, Martino Diez
Between Christians and Muslims a Pathway of Communion, Antoine Audo
The Raft of Medusa and our Destiny, Mohammed Sammak
Two Genealogies and a New Generation, Malika Zeghal
The Movement of 2011 Began in 2005, Georges Corm
The story of an Incurable Global Conflict, Sabrina Mervin
My War is Holier Than Yours, Farhad Khosrokhavar
That Time Suspended Awaiting the Imam, Yann Richard
Thirty Years of (not always Achieved) Ambitions, Bernard Hourcade
Reformist Thought for the Mosaic-State, Saoud al-Mawla
Military Victory…or Glorious Death, Dominique Avon
A Homeland of Peoples or the Semblance of a Nation?, Hani Fahs
Blasphemy as a Weapon of Mass Destruction, Lisa Curtis
Three Words Written into the Destiny of Venice, Benedict XVI
During the Night of Jesus, the Clash and the Union of Two Wills, Jospeh Ratzinger-Benedict XVI
“I Am Not Afraid, I Want to Live for Christ and I Can Die for Him”, Shahbaz Bhatti
And the Wise Bipdai Challenged the King, Suffered and Won, Ibn al Muqaffa‘
Where Tradition and Reason Meet, Javier Prades
Absolute and Imperfect Pluralism, Selim Daccache
Makassed, the School that Wants to the Save Peace, Hisham Nashabe
Those Walls Knocked Down by Medieval Islam, Sabine Schmidtke
Three Brothers from Damascus and a Hidden Treasure, Guy-Paul Noujaim
Spain: Where a Community Becomes a Lobby, Maria de los Ángeles Corpas Aguirre
Prophecies of Arab Disorder, Michele Brignone
The Dramaturgy of a Failure, Pedro Fonseca
Within the Boundaries of the Shi’ite Crescent, Martino Diez
Saudi Arabia: History and Enigma, Martino Diez
Without Death We Are Inhuman, David Blazquez
A Masterful Exercise in Exegesis, Ignacio Carbajosa
The Saga of Revolutions Between Dreams, Successes and Betrayals, Emma Neri
Discovering Christian Nubia, Claudio Lurati
Education, Women, Forgiveness. How a New Nation is Born, Lorenzo Fazzini
Biannual journal of the Oasis International Foundation
Studium Generale Marcianum
Year 7°, number 13, June 2010
Editor Roberto Fontolan
Managing Editor Martino Diez
Editorial Consultants Marco Bardazzi Bernardo Cervellera Angelika Diekmann Axel Diekmann Roberto Donadoni Camille Eid Claudio Lurati Dino Pistolato
Graphic Design Anna Wawrzyniak Maoloni
Layout Anna Wawrzyniak Maoloni Alessandro Bellucci [Arabic and Urdu]
Organisation Michele Brignone Chiara Pellegrino Meriem Senous
French translation Martine Gilsoul Claire Perfumo
English translation Cyprian Blamires Matthew Fforde
Arabic translation François Eid Martino Diez e Chiara Pellegrino [dall’arabo]
Urdu translation Mobeen Shahid
Registration Tribunal of Venice No.1498 of 12/10/2004
Cover price Italy € 15,00 [abroad € 19,00]
Promotional Committee: H.Em. Card. Angelo Scola, Elected Archbishop of Milan, S.B. Card. Antonios Naguib, Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria Card. Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyons Card. Josip Bozanić, Archbishop of Zaghreb Card. Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Budapest Card. Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Wien S.Em. Card. Jean-Louis TAURAN, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue H.B.Msgr. Fouad Twal, Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins H.E.Msgr. Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Archbishop of Aleppo of the Melkites H.E.Msgr. Maroun Lahham, Archbishop of Tunis H.E.Msgr. Fco. Javier Martínez, Archbishop of Granada S.E. Mons. John Onayekan, Archbishop of Abuja H.E.Msgr. Paul Mounged el-Hachem, Apostolic Nunzio Emeritus in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen H.E.Msgr. Joseph Powathil, Archbishop Emeritus of Changanacherry H.E.Msgr. Henri Teissier, Archbishop Emeritus of Algiers H.E.Msgr. Anthony T. Lobo, Bishop Emeritus of Islamabad H.E.Msgr. Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia H.E.Msgr. Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia P. Joaquín Alliende, President of Aid to the Church in Need Prof. Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight - Knights of Columbus
Scientific committee: Carl Anderson Gianni Bernardi Francesco Botturi Rémi Brague Paolo Branca Michele Brignone Stratford Caldecott Maria Laura Conte Salim Daccache Martino Diez Jean Duchesne Jean-Paul Durand Francesco Follo Brian E. Ferme José Andrés Gallego Paolo Gomarasca Henri Hude Samir Khalil Samir Nikolaus Lobkowicz Cesare Mirabelli Ignazio Musu Andrea Pacini Jean-Jacques Pérennèss Andrea Pin Javier Prades López Gabriel Richi Alberti Giovanna Rossi Olivier Roy Giovanni Salmeri Kamil William Samaan Giuseppe Scattolin Franz Magnis-Suseno Milad Sidky Zakhary Boghos Levon Zekiyan
Oasis Is a transdisciplinary Review of cultural Information Open to contributions By Catholics And non-Catholics. The authors’ freely Expressed opinions In the articles Published herein Do not necessarily Reflect the doctrinal Orientation Of the Oasis International Foundation, And therefore Must be considered As the exclusive Responsibility Of each contributor.