After the uprisings the sharia question exploded, with a spectrum of opinion ranging from those who claim that it should be a code to be observed normatively to those who invoke it as a set of ethical values

This article was published in Oasis 15. Read the table of contents

Last update: 2022-04-22 09:24:42



The Shared Good that Precedes the Constitution, Francesco Botturi




The Same Challenge for the Two Shores of the Mediterranean, Silvio Ferrari

But which Sharia do Arab Citizens Ask for?, Bernard Botiveau

Islamic Law: Law and Ethics, Mohyddin Yahia

Between Religion and Politics, the Trials of Democracy, Taïeb Zahar

On the Waters of the Nile Playing it by Ear, Nathalie Bernard-Maugiron

Substantive and Conservative Reforms, Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Noël Ferrié and Kenza Omary

The Ottoman Roots of Turkish Secularity, Osman Taştan

When the Rabbi and the State Reach an Agreement, Michael J. Broyde, Enbar Toledano

The Salvation of Souls: the Supreme Law, Brian E. Ferme




In Search of the Truth of Law, H.H. Pope Benedict XVI

Love of the Good, the Ultimate Aim of the Law of God, Thomas Aquinas

So Just as to Be Unjust, Muhammad Kâmil Husayn




‘Democracy Will Choose the Good Understanding of the Qur’an’, Rashid Al-Ghannouchi




A Point of No Return, Maria Laura Conte




From Regensburg to Amman and Beyond, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran

He Neither Sleeps nor Slumbers…’, Michel Cuypers p.f.j.

Alawites, from Separatists to Masters, Amin Elias

The Generation of Mestizo Children, Giovanna Rossi




Sharia With or Without Islam?, Martino Diez

For an Islamic Renewal, Maurice Borrmans

Maghreb, the Inevitable Democratisation, Michele Brignone

The Different Faces of Saudi Islamism, Chiara Pellegrino

Beyond the Ditch of Ignorance, Paolo Branca

When the Sun Rises in the West, Martino Diez

Outside the Chains of the Law, the Irrepressible Experience, Emma Neri




The Courageous Option, if the Will to Live PrevailsAbdelmajid Charfi




Biannual Journal Of The Oasis International Foundation

Studium Generale Marcianum

Year 8°, Number 15, June 2012


Editor Maria Laura Conte

Managing Editor Martino Diez

Editorial staff Michele Brignone Chiara Pellegrino Meriem Senous

Editorial Consultants Marco Bardazzi Bernardo Cervellera Angelika Diekmann Axel Diekmann Roberto Donadoni Camille Eid Claudio Lurati Dino Pistolato

Graphic Design Anna Wawrzyniak Maoloni

Layout Anna Wawrzyniak Maoloni Alessandro Bellucci [Arabic and Urdu]

French translation Martine Gilsoul Claire Perfumo

English translation Cyprian Blamires Matthew Fforde

Arabic translation François Eid Martino Diez [from Arabic]

Urdu translation Mobeen Shahid


Registration Tribunal of Venice No.1498 of 12/10/2004


Cover price Italy €15,00 [abroad €19,00]



PROMOTIONAL COMMITTEE: H.E. Card. Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan H.B. Card. Antonios Naguib,  Patriarch of Alexandria of the Copts H.E. Card. Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyons H.E. Card. Josip Bozanić, Archbishop of Zaghreb H.E. Card. Péter Erdö, Archbishop of Budapest H.E. Card. Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Wien H.E. Card. Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue H.B. Msgr. Fouad Twal, Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins H.E. Msgr. Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Archbishop of Aleppo of the Melkites H.E. Msgr. Maroun Lahham, Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem for Jordan H.E. Msgr. Fco. Javier Martínez, Archbishop of Granada H.E. Msgr. John Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja H.E. Msgr. Joseph Powathil, Archbishop Emeritus of Changanacherry H.E. Msgr. Henri Teissier, Archbishop Emeritus of Algiers H.E. Msgr. Anthony T. Lobo, Bishop Emeritus of Islamabad-Rawalpindi H.E. Msgr. Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia H.E. Msgr. Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia Prof. Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knights, Knights of Columbus


SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Tewfik Aclimandos Carl A. Anderson José Andrés Gallego Gianni Bernardi Francesco Botturi Rémi Brague Paolo Branca Michele Brignone Stratford Caldecott Maria Laura Conte Salim Daccache Martino Diez Jean Duchesne Jean-Paul Durand Brian E. Ferme Francesco Follo Roberto Fontolan Paolo Gomarasca Henri Hude Samir Khalil Samir Nikolaus Lobkowicz Franz Magnis-Suseno Cesare Mirabelli Ignazio Musu Andrea Pacini Jean-Jacques Pérennès Andrea Pin Javier Prades López Gabriel Richi Alberti Giovanna Rossi Olivier Roy Giovanni Salmeri Kamil William Samaan Giuseppe Scattolin Milad Sidky Zakhary Boghos Levon Zekiyan Printed by Mediagraf S.p.A. Viale della Navigazione Interna, 89 35027 Noventa Padovana (Padova) Italy Tel. +39 049 8991511 Fax +39 049 8991501 OASIS is a transdisciplinary review of cultural information open to contributions by Catholics and non-Catholics.


The authors’ freely expressed opinions in the articles published herein do not necessarily reflect the doctrinal orientation of the Oasis International Foundation, and therefore must be considered as the exclusive responsibility of each contributor. ISSN 2037-1799
