Information and insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West
We offer you quality insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West.
Even a mere quantitative analysis of Arab literary output during the years preceding the protests of 2011 would have revealed the turmoil already existing in North African and Middle Eastern societies. Nowadays, the prevailing idea is one of a distressing and inhumane future, but not everyone is giving up
The geopolitics of water is not a 21st-century invention: the present controversy over the waters of the Nile, triggered by the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), goes back to a very remote past, featuring even a prophet.
Following the rise of jihadist terrorism, the university and mosque of Cairo has been accused of promoting the spread of extremism through its teaching methods
The proposal to blacklist the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization should be understood within the framework of international alliances and the conflict that divides the Gulf states
With the exception of a few chosen ones, humankind is on the road to perdition. The all-encompassing project for the Islamic community’s regeneration developed by the Muslim Brotherhood is based on a dualistic vision of history
Unlike their medieval forerunners, contemporary Salafis have developed a radical challenge to the traditional legal schools. The Egyptian case offers a clear example of this evolution
Inspired by Western missionaries, a humble Coptic cleric gave new life to the ancient church through education
In 1934, well before any movement towards interreligious engagement in the Western world, Louis Massignon established the International Badaliya Prayer Movement in Cairo, Egypt, whose legacy is still alive today
A blessing for Egypt, according to the Director of the press office of the Catholic Church
The Egyptian mosque-university, al-Azhar, is often called “Islam’s Vatican” and aspires to lead Islam’s renewal
An Egyptian intellectual prepared a document for al-Azhar on the renewal of religious discourse, a debated subject in Egypt. The text tackles sensitive issues and, partly for this reason, has not been made public
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