Information and insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West
We offer you quality insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West.
This is an excerpt from the leading article of Oasis no.18. Click here to buy the issue and read the full text.
West the attempt to expel God from reality has left a void that leads to a new search for meaning. In the Islamic world the idea that one can live without God produces as a reaction a dangerous drift
The wall that separates Jews and Muslims, like the line that passes between ‘the faithful’ and ‘infidels’, has always been particularly generous in providing points of departure for cinema which, in this new season as well, has offered various films. From those which are more charged with hope and prospects to those which are more utopian and on to those which are pure shipwrecks of despair.
Iran. Secularism appears as a cultural force that seeks to guarantee the freedom of republican action in relation to divine sovereignty.
Those seven monks who chose to remain in an Algeria tormented by violence, bearing witness to the possibility of a dialogue with Muslims
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