The Refugees’ Arrival is Transforming the Continent and Creating New Dynamics in the Muslim World
Last update: 2022-04-22 08:59:31

A Complex Encounter Destined to Change Us, Michele Brignone
Christianity and Europe, between Liquid Secularism and Migrations, Pierangelo Sequeri
Economic crisis and religious fundamentalisms are symptoms of the encounter between resignation and despair. Christian Europe taught all those who are now fighting each other (and fighting Europe) how to enjoy a peaceful coexistence. The new Europe must resolutely aim at a hybridization of household cultures.
The Brain Drain and the Future of Syria, Helen Makkas, Omar S. Dahi
The economy of the Middle Eastern country is collapsing and the refugee exodus is leading to a tragic loss of skill sets, knowledge base and capital that will have an impact on the future of the region. The crisis is increasingly being framed in sectarian ways.
The Sahel, a Forgotten Strategic Frontier, Emilio E. Manfredi
The sub-Saharan belt is a region that rarely hits the headlines but, for Europe, it constitutes a crucially important area for the issues of immigration and security.
The Economy of Refugee Camps, Kamel Doraï
The exile of millions of Syrians has led to the creation of both official and unofficial temporary settlements in the Middle East. Neighbourhood and village dynamics are recreated inside them, together with forms of commerce and exchange, and these help to keep the identity of a people alive.
A Marshall Plan for the Mediterranean? A Premature Idea, Giulio Sapelli
Many forms of social behaviour are based on the principle of gratuitousness. It is only if we take these as the starting point for rethinking the concept of capitalistic private ownership that it makes sense to commit to an economic reconstruction project involving Europe, North African coastal countries and the Middle East.
Revitalizing Democracy as a Response to Violence, Brigitte Maréchal
The lack of understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims can be traced to a "complex encounter" of civilizations in which individuals are conveying different conceptions of the public space. There is an urgent need to renegotiate a new sense of belonging.
How Islam Became “American”, Amir Hussein
Muhammad Ali "made being Muslim cool, in a way that no one could challenge his belongingness to America." Just as Ali represents the best of American ideals, the Orlando shooter represents the worst of them.
The European Jihadist’s Identikit, Farhad Khosrokhavar
Extremism raises the issue of the lack of ideals in a Europe in which the classic ideologies have lost their ability to mobilize people. The conversion of young people is dictated also by a scarce sense of the sacred within a Christianity eroded by a radical secularization.
The Molenbeek Effect: the Facts beyond the Myth, Felice Dassetto
The story of the district in Brussels, which was the hideout for some of the terrorists carrying out the Paris attacks in November 2015, demonstrates that, in the fight against radicalism, new socio-political configurations and a mature and courageous Islamic leadership are needed.
Hospitality, a Pillar of Arab and Islamic Ethics, Martino Diez
The Generous Deeds of the Tribal Chief, Texts by Ibn Qutayba
From the legendary figure of Hātim (a poet-knight of pre-Islamic Arabia mentioned even by Boccaccio and Goethe) to the sayings of the Prophet, hospitality has been made a keystone of the Islamic ethical system.
Taking the Other’s Existence Seriously, Claudio Monge op
A Great Human Reality, Texts by Jean Daniélou
In history the fugitive, the wanderer, the stranger arouse fear, suspicion, and often adversion. A radical change occurs the day when such a person is received as a guest and is someone sent by God.
The Lost Generation, Rolla Scolari
In Lebanon, there are at least 250,000 refugees aged between three and eighteen who are not attending school. The numbers are even more shocking if other countries hosting Syrians in the region are taken into consideration, such as Turkey and Jordan.
Migrations, the Speculators of Moral Panicking, Alessandro Zaccuri
Dialogue as the remedy to the hatred that accompanies migrations.
Europeans: Irrelevant if Divided, Necessary if United, Andrea Pin
Myths to debunk for the Union to start again.
The Evolution of Jihad in Europe, from the 1990s to Today, Chiara Pellegrino
The rise of ISIS has made the Continent a target for jihadism.
Inside the Super-Muslim’s Psyche, Martino Diez
When radicalization is the (illusory) way to "healing".
Reform? Islam is “Already Modern”, Michele Brignone
We have to deal with the "Islamic exceptionalism", and come to terms with it.
If the World envies Europe’s Welcoming Attitude, Emma Neri
It is difficult to make a movie about a future that we cannot even picture.
Year 12 No. 24 December 2016
Rolla Scolari
Scientific Editor
Martino Diez
Managing Editor
Michele Brignone
Editorial staff
Chiara Pellegrino
Editorial Consultants
Rifaat Bader - Marco Bardazzi - Bernardo Cervellera - Camille Eid - Rafic Greiche - Claudio Lurati
Graphic Design and Layout
Massimiliano Frangi
English translation
Catharine de Rienzo - Costanza Raimondi
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First edition: December 2016
This edition of Oasis was realized with the support of Fondazione Cariplo