Five years since 9/11. What happened on that day for Christians? How have we faced up to it and what has changed?
Last update: 2022-04-22 09:51:05

The Eternal Question: A New Method, Angelo Scola
The Responsibility of a New Universalism, Lorenzo Ornaghi
How to Combat the Culture of Resentment, Roger Scruton
“Regional Theologies” are no longer Sufficient, Javier Prades
Contemporary Geopolitics and the Need for Philosophy, Henri Hude
Observations on the Upset Triangle, Andrea Pacini
And the West Discovered Another Terrorism, Nikolaus Lobkowicz
Those Concentric Circles that Spread Out from Ground Zero, Dino Boffo
Augustinian Thought on the State and Patriotism, Stanley Hauerwas
In Realpolitik as Well Love Can Defeat Everything, Carl Anderson
A Glance at the Sky of the Wounded Empire, Marco Bardazzi
The Minority that Does Not Resign Itself to Inferiority, Anthony Lobo
The Challenges for Christianity Which is no Longer Central, Maroun Lahham
Reciprocity Means that Everyone Should Try to Change, Louis Sako
When Islam Addresses its Own Bewilderment, Samir Khalil Samir
Peace: the Reasons for a Prayer, the Certainty of a Gift
John Paul II at the Meeting of Assisi, John Paul II
The Truth of Calling on God Unites Men and Cultures, Angelo Scola
The Uniqueness and Universality of the Mystery of Christ, Joseph Ratzinger
Kosovo, the Unknown Face of Euro-Islam, Maria Laura Conte
Tibhirine, Offering One’s Own Life to Make the Work of Another Live On, Henry Quinson
Egypt at the Crossroads. The Courage of Encounter or the Abyss of Hatred, Jean-Jacques Pérennès
Three Questions about Secularity in the Land Where the Sharia Advances, John Onayekan
That Yemenite Minaret Planted in the Heart of America, Geneive Abdo
The Muslim Press in Italy Between Spirituality and Militancy, Paolo Branca
An Educational Proposal For Global and Plural Man, Francesco Follo
Islam (or Christianity?) According to Küng, Nikolaus Lobkowicz
Medieval Conquests and Circles, Martino Diez
Philosophical Dialogue in the Spirit of Toledo, Paolo Terenzi
Looking for Europe and its Foundations, Lucia Boccacin
An Inquiry into a Massacre and Martyrdom, Henry Quinson
Apostasy: if Sin is a Crime, Corrado Simoni
Spies and Super-Heroes Dominate the World but do not Cancel the Power of Destiny, Emma Neri
A Biannual Review of the Oasis International Studies and Research Centre
Ordinary member of the Studium Generale Marcianum
Year II, Number 4, September 2006
Editor Roberto Fontolan
Coordinator Gabriel Richi Alberti
Managing Editor Martino Diez
Editorial Consultants Marco Bardazzi Camille Eid
Graphic Design Anna Wawrzyniak
Layout Anna Wawrzyniak Alessandro Bellucci [arabic] Silvia Pivari [urdu]
Organisation Patrizia Cacciari Francesca Battiston
French translation Danielle Ballay Lunghetti
English translation Matthew Fforde
Arabic translation Jamil Ghobril
Urdu translation Mobeen Shahid
Distribution David Cantagalli e Associati Editori
Registration Tribunal of Venice n.1498 of 12/10th/2004
Promotional Committee: Card. Angelo Scola, Patriarch of Venice, Great Chancellor of the Studium Generale Marcianum Card. Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyons Card. Josip Bozanic, Archbishop of Zaghreb Card. Péter Erdo, Archbishop of Budapest Card. Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna S.E.Mons. Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Arabia S.E.Mons. Anthony T. Lobo, Bishop of Islamabad S.E.Mons. Fco. Javier Martínez, Archbishop of Granada S.E.Mons. Joseph Powathil, Archbishop of Changanacherry S.E.Mons. Fouad Twal, Co-adjutant Archbishop of Jerusalem
Scientific Committee: Joaquín Alliende Carl Anderson Camillo Ballin Gianni Bernardi Francesco Botturi Rémi Brague Paolo Branca Stratford Caldecott Massimo Camisasca Massimo Cenci Bernardo Cervellera Maria Laura Conte Axel Diekmann Angelika Diekmann Roberto Donadoni Jean-Paul Durand Camille Eid Paul Mounged El-Hachem Brian E. Ferme Francesco Follo José Andrés Gallego Claudio Giuliodori Laurence Paul Hemming Vittorio Hösle Henri Hude Jean C. Jeanbart Samir Khalil Samir Justo Lacunza Balda Nikolaus Lobkowicz Javier Prades López Claudio Lurati Cesare Mirabelli Ignazio Musu Dino Pistolato Gabriel Richi Alberti Giovanna Rossi Giovanni Salmeri Paolo Terenzi Boghos Zekiyan
Oasis is a non-specialist review of cultural information open to contributions by Catholics and non-Catholics. The authors' freely expressed opinions in the articles published herein do not necessarily reflect the doctrinal orientation of the Oasis International Studies and Research Centre, and therefore must be considered as the exclusive responsibility of each contributor. Oasis is published thanks to the contribution of Fondazione Cassamarca