The current dynamics of the Christian and Muslim traditions or, in other words, the trials that each of them find that they are facing so as to be still perceivable as living bodies and not only treasures, or even relicts, of the past
Last update: 2022-04-22 09:24:47

Faith and Culture: the Insuperable Circularity, Angelo Scola
This Strange Alliance of Opposites, Stratford Caldecott
Culture Between the Indefinable and Certainty, Nikolaus Lobkowicz
Looking for God, Looking for the Truth, Gabriel Richi Alberti
The Incoherence of Liberal Pluralism, John Milbank
Thoughts for a West at War, Henri Hude
When the Ulema Closed the Doors, Abderrazak Sayadi
Acting in the Public Space, Malika Zeghal
Face to Face with the Secular State, Azzedine Gaci
The Narrow Road of Mothers and Daughters, Giovanna Rossi
Love for a Man is the Substance of the Message of Christ, John Paul II
The Necessary Decision and its Consequences, Joseph Ratzinger
The Universal Ambition of Islam Tested by India, Abû Rahyân Bîrûnî
Devouring Eritrea. The Exodus Towards Europe, Gian Micalessin
The Order of the Guardians Reigns in Teheran (for now), Yann Richard
Democracy is Confirmed in Jakarta (for now), Franz Magnis Suseno
That Gesture Understood by Everyone, Pierbattista Pizzaballa
Translating, Interpreting: from Words to Actions, Pierre Larcher
Misticism and Reason in the Religion of the Infallibles, Amir Moezzi
The Rule of the Koran? Semitic Rethoric, Michel Cuypers
Looking Until the End for the Path to Islam, Jean-Jacques Pérennès
Connecting Athens to Jerusalem, Andrea Pin
Dealing with the God of the Moderns Hand to Hand, Paolo Terenzi
Culture Lacks Judgement, Roberto Fontolan
When Jesus Comes Back as Mahdi, Paolo Branca
Islam Purified by the Lumi, Martino Diez
Bioethics: Science or Apologia?, Andrea Da Ponte
Hamas, Too Much Sword and Little Power, Michele Brignone
Without a Memory to Hand Down the Past Produces Claustrophobia, Emma Neri
Eritrea, Traces of Italy in the Former Colony Without Peace
OASIS Six-monthly review of the Oasis International Foundation
Studium Generale Marcianum
Year V, Number 9, July 2009
Editor Roberto Fontolan
Managing Editor Martino Diez
Editorial Consultants Marco Bardazzi Bernardo Cervellera Roberto Donadoni Camille Eid
Graphic Design Anna Wawrzyniak
Layout Anna Wawrzyniak Alessandro Bellucci [arabo e urdu]
Organisation Michele Brignone Elisa Pozzobon
French translation Martine Gilsoul Daniel Jalade
English translation Victoria Bailes Matthew Fforde
Arabic translation François Eid
Urdu translation Mobeen Shahid
Registration Tribunal of Venice No.1498 of 12/10/2004
Cover price € 15.00 [abroad € 19.00]
Promotional Committee: Card. Angelo Scola, Patriarch of Venice, Grand Chancellor of the Fondazione Studium Generale Marcianum Card. Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyons Card. Josip Bozanić, Archbishop of Zaghreb Card. Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Budapest Card. Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna H.B.Msgr. Fouad Twal, Co-adjutant Archbishop of Jerusalem H.E.Msgr. Camillo Ballin, Apostolic Vicar of Kuwait H.E.Msgr. Paul Mounged el-Hachem, Apostolic Nunzio in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen H.E.Msgr. Paul Hinder, Apostolic Vicar of Arabia H.E.Msgr. Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Archbishop of Aleppo of the Melechites H.E.Msgr. Maroun Lahham, Archbishop of Tunis H.E.Msgr. Anthony T. Lobo, Bishop of Islamabad H.E.Msgr. Fco. Javier Martínez, Archbishop of Granada H.E.Msgr. Joseph Powathil, Archbishop Emeritus of Changanacherry H.E.Msgr. Henri Teissier, Archbishop Emeritus of Algiers
Scientific Committee: Joaquín Alliende Carl Anderson Gianni Bernardi Francesco Botturi Rémi Brague Paolo Branca Michele Brignone Stratford Caldecott Maria Laura Conte Angelika Diekmann Axel Diekmann Martino Diez Jean-Paul Durand Brian E. Ferme Francesco Follo José Andrés Gallego Paolo Gomarasca Henri Hude Samir Khalil Samir Nikolaus Lobkowicz Claudio Lurati Cesare Mirabelli Ignazio Musu Andrea Pacini Jean-Jacques Pérennèss Andrea Pin Dino Pistolato Javier Prades López Gabriel Richi Alberti Giovanna Rossi Giovanni Salmeri Giuseppe Scattolin Franz Magnis-Suseno Paolo Terenzi Boghos Levon Zekiyan