Information and insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West
We offer you quality insights into Muslim societies and the encounter between the Islamic world and the West.
Some women have become promoters of female emancipation starting from the re-reading of the sacred texts of Islam: a third way between human rights and traditional norms
British multiculturalism is increasingly questioned. Sharia councils are likely to lead to social ghettoisation but at the same time provide important services for English Muslims. Tracing the history of a debate
A great prophet in Islam, Jesus preached reform of the religious law in a non-literalist sense that can become a source of inspiration for today’s Muslims
Salafism is considered by its adherents as the purest Islam, both a cozy refuge for believers and an unassailable fortress for the enemies
The projects of Islamist parties rely on the idea that democracy is an Islamic concept, since the Qur’an prescribes consultation as a principle of government
The contemporary Muslim world is divided on the issue of the relationship between classical Islamic law, positive law and international human rights treaties
The Islamists claim to be restoring the thinking and practices of the first Islamic communities. In this way, the various interpretations that can be found in the oldest sources are ignored
Into the crisis of authority in contemporary Sunni Islam
Al-Juwaynī imagines an Islamic world that no longer has either a caliph or the unitary government of an “imam of usurpation” or a sultan
The Muslims’ Holy Book is a “mirror-book:” the meanings promoted by the exegetes lie not in the text but, rather, in an interaction between the text and the exegetes’ own experience
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